In the modern world, most of our lives depend on certain devices working properly. Without a source of electricity, we may see a deterioration in the quality of said lives. We use various tech products daily that run on an electrical source. Simply plug in your computer to an outlet, and then you can get on with your day.

In some cases, there could be unfortunate circumstances that you must take into consideration. Once you plug a specific device in, a sudden spark may make you a bit apprehensive. As a result, you need to take immediate action to determine if this will be an issue.

Here is what to do when an electrical outlet sparks:

Find what causes the electrical outlet sparks.

Outlets were made with durability and longevity in mind. No matter what is plugged into them, you can rest assured that nothing unexpected will occur. Sometimes, a spark will occur, so you must review its status. There could be some present issues that are creating that outburst of electricity.

For example, short-circuiting could be the basis of the outlet creating an unwanted spark. Compounding with other problems like water damage can result in damage. It could put you at risk of serious harm in more concerning circumstances. Always assess the outlet’s condition from time to time to stay on the safe side of things. Remember to contact a home electrical repair service for professional help.

Determine if there are other causes.

Sparks from your electrical outlets can also arise from numerous other circumstances. One of the biggest ones to know about has to do with age. Older outlets may spark due to no updates to their functionality throughout their lifetime. Or the appearance of the spark could also indicate whether or not you need to take action.

A spark that is the colour yellow or white usually indicates danger. Safe sparks may be coloured in a blue hue, which you do not need to worry about. A burning smell from the outlet also indicates danger, should the spark continue to occur. Always be on the lookout for these signs if sparks are problematic to you.

Shut off the power

To begin the repair process, you must first take power off to the respective room. This will allow you to troubleshoot the outlet in various useful ways. Find your circuit breaker, which should be located in your basement if you live in a home. Then, you will be on your way to efficiently diagnose the issue at hand!

Perform initial tests on the outlet

Once the power has been shut down, you can begin a series of tests to determine the problem. Generally speaking, tests do not have to be complicated. Grab a multimeter to measure the current electrical current. In some cases, additional electricity may still be running, even if the power has been shut off.

Replace the electrical outlet

For those who have older outlets, it may be best to simply swap them out for a newer version. In this light, take a photo of your curet setup, and show it to a hardware store representative. These individuals will point you in the right direction when trying to locate a more updated version for your needs.

Use circuit interrupters

Along with grabbing a new outlet, it can also be worthwhile to get extra devices to lower a spark’s potential. Case in point, purchasing a circuit interrupter will ensure that there is no overload present.

Moreover, take a look at the cords that are near the outlet in question. There could be some frayed cords in and around the area that are using more electricity than needed. Once these are discarded and replaced, you will find that fewer sparks are occurring over time.

Contact an electrician

Outlets were not made to stand the test of time. There could be an assortment of ways the outlet can result in several sparks. Whether it is a spontaneous spark or a series of sparks, you need to call in a professional. Electricians are the right individuals to call in so that they can diagnose the issue.

An electrician’s line of work involves many duties beyond just repairing electrical problems. For better or for worse, it is incumbent on you to reach out to one so that you can be safe. A sudden spark of your outlet can always become something worse over time. An electrician will be able to repair the outlet so that you can get back to your daily routine!