Riding a motorcycle is exciting, but it can also be very dangerous. Motorcycles have no seatbelts and no protective structure, and since they are smaller than cars, they can be easy to miss.

Motorcycle accidents can lead to severe personal injuries and are often fatal, which is why you should always be extremely careful whenever you go for a motorcycle ride, or whenever you are driving your car around motorcyclists.

Here are 15 most common causes of motorcycle accidents:

1. The road is damaged or cluttered

Motorcycle accident causes are often attributed to dangerous road conditions. Potholes, a crumbling pavement, or debris can get in the way and endanger a motorcyclist. A lack of proper road signs can also lead to an accident.

2. A car driver doesn’t see a motorcycle while changing lanes

When a motorcycle accident isn’t caused by road conditions, it can be caused by traffic. Whenever a car driver decides to change lanes, a motorcycle can be hiding in one of their blind spots, leading to a collision.

3. A car turns left in front of a motorcyclist

When a car driver is about to turn left, they will look for other cars before they do so, and they might miss motorcycles. Sometimes, drivers are only distracted, but other times they are not even looking before they turn left and hit a motorcycle.

4. The road is slippery

Rain, snow and ice can make a road slippery and dangerous for motorcyclists. Water will also lift up any oil and diesel that might be on the surface of the road, adding to the danger. Naturally, these are leading causes of motorcycle accidents in the winter season. Motorcycle tires usually do well in wet conditions, but it’s best to always be extra careful.

5. A car hits a motorcycle from behind

When a motorcyclist stops at a crosswalk or at an intersection, they can get hit from behind by an inattentive car driver. This kind of impact can easily kill a motorcyclist. It’s always safer for a motorcycle rider to stop at the side of a lane, and not right in the middle of it.

6. A motorcyclist stops abruptly in front of another one

When a group of motorcyclists are riding together, and one of them stops abruptly and unexpectedly, the ones that are following can hit them from behind. Rear-end motorcycle accidents rarely have a happy ending.

7. A biker doesn’t have a lot of experience

Inexperienced bikers are more likely to make unsafe moves and errors that can lead to a collision. Someone who has just purchased a brand new motorcycle can also get involved in an accident if their new acquisition is very different from their previous one.

8. A driver opens the door of their parked car

A motorcyclist riding between a line of parked cars and an active traffic lane could be in great danger. If someone doesn’t see them coming, and suddenly opens the door of their parked car, a collision will be pretty much impossible to avoid.

9. A motorcyclist locks their front brake

The front brake of a motorcycle can be difficult to master, and a motorcyclist who locks their front brake can end up with a severe injury. Inexperienced motorcyclists, or the ones who have just bought a new motorcycle, need a lot of practice before they can handle their front brake correctly.

10. A motorcyclist is speeding

Speeding is dangerous, no matter what type of vehicle you are driving. When a motorcyclist is speeding, they can fail to notice obstacles that could be on the road, and they won’t have enough time to react if they are being cut by a car.

11. A biker makes an error during a left turn

It’s easy for a biker to make an error during a left turn, and to misjudge speed and distance. A simple error can end up in a collision which can lead to serious injuries, especially if the other vehicle involved in the accident is a van or a SUV.

12. A motorcyclist enters a corner way too fast

Motorcyclists should always lose some speed before they enter a corner. Entering a corner too fast can be dangerous, and if it tightens in a way they did not expect, they can panic, hit the brakes, and lose control of their motorcycle.

13. A biker is driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol

Driving under the influence of drugs and alcohol is dangerous as well, not only for the person riding a motorcycle, but for everyone else sharing the same road. Drunk driving is one of the more prevalent causes of motorcycle accidents, so soberness should be taken very seriously when driving.

14. A motorcyclist did not follow any training

Motorcyclists should not ride without a license, but unfortunately, some of them are doing it. Not following formal training before going out on the road with a motorcycle is dangerous and can lead to serious accidents.

15. A biker is being reckless

Finally, bikers who are being reckless are a danger to themselves as well as to other vehicles around them. A busy road is not the right place to show off and do some motorcycle stunts.