A homeowner or property manager unsure of how to contend with ice on a driveway and how to keep their property safe in the face of winter conditions need not look further than magnesium chloride. The task of snow and ice removal suddenly won’t seem so daunting.

Magnesium chloride is safe, smart, eco-friendly, and efficient, especially when compared with much more harmful products used in driveways and roadways, such as rock salt. Here are the key magnesium chloride benefits to get to know.

Benefit #1: Magnesium chloride is naturally-occurring.

Magnesium chloride is not a chemical that was discovered in a lab. It is a naturally occurring compound that is found worldwide. It is often a liquid mixed in with other safe minerals, such as potassium chloride, sodium chloride, and calcium chloride.

Benefit #2: It is already used on many types of pavements.

This ingredient is often used to pre-wet salt before it is applied on roadways during snowstorms and ice storms. Magnesium chloride already sees quite a bit of use on pavements, in parking lots, and on manmade paths. Magnesium chloride bulk keeps tidy commercial outdoor areas from the consequences of ice buildup.

Benefit #3: It is better for the environment as a de-icer.

Much more environmentally friendly than sodium chloride or calcium chloride, magnesium chloride won’t do nearly as much damage or cause as much harm. It’s a very safe choice for removing ice on driveways and pavements.

Benefit #4: Plants love magnesium chloride.

Rock salt is corrosive and will kill plants. Ironically, magnesium chloride is loved by plants. It is even used in fertilizers to correct mineral deficiencies in crops and soil before and during planting.

It helps photosynthesis, promotes cell membrane stabilization, activates growth enzymes, and aids protein synthesis. Assuming it is relatively pure, magnesium chloride does not threaten any property’s lawn, landscaping, or plants.

Benefit #5: Its performance in melting ice is second to none.

Magnesium chloride is an excellent de-icing agent. If it was ineffective, there would be no purpose in discussing it as an alternative to rock salt. It is extremely effective and damaging to plants, pavements, and vehicles. Comparatively, magnesium chloride comes with none of the same complications.

Benefit #6: Magnesium chloride works.

Magnesium chloride is a type of hygroscopic salt. It absorbs moisture, usually from the air and the surrounding environment. As this happens, the freezing point of water is lowered, and ice production is reduced.

Benefit #7: Pre-wetting can save you time and money.

You can pre-wet a driveway or pavement with magnesium chloride to spray or coat before ice arrives. This accelerates the ice-melting process, increases road safety, and saves money and effort.

Benefit #8: Magnesium chloride is available in various forms.

It can be purchased in various forms, including magnesium chloride flakes, pellets, pastilles, and as a liquid. To this point, it’s easy to apply. It must be sprayed or thrown directly onto the area you want to treat.

Benefit #9: It is gentler on sensitive skin.

If you’ve ever scattered rock salt with your bare hand, it can eat away at your skin and dry out your hand. After all, that’s what it’s supposed to be. Magnesium chloride is not as acidic on the skin and is a lot gentler, ideal for sensitive skin.

Benefit #10: It does not bounce or scatter as much as rock salt.

When magnesium chloride is applied to a roadway or driveway, it is found to not have the same bounce or scatter that throwing down raw salt does. This makes it easier to control its spread and minimize inefficient usage.

Benefit #11: It works in extremely cold temperatures.

Rock salt stops working altogether somewhere around 10 degrees Fahrenheit. Magnesium chloride will continue working down to -5 degrees Fahrenheit.

Benefit #12: It is a natural dust suppressant.

In addition to what it can do to melt ice, magnesium chloride is also a dust suppressant. It’s used on roads, construction sites, sports fields, and aggregate surfaces. Dust particles get bonded together in a hard film that can then be removed.

Through this alone, magnesium lengthens the lifespan of a road, cutting down on costly repairs and maintenance in sometimes a big way.

Benefit #13: It’s safer for pets to walk over.

Unlike salt, magnesium chloride will not irritate a pet’s paws when they walk over it. That said, it’s unsafe to ingest and can lead to an upset stomach if accidentally swallowed.

Benefit #14: Over-application is not as problematic.

If you over-apply rock salt or an alternative like calcium chloride, it can eat into your driveway, pavement, lawn, vehicle, and more or less everything around it. It can cause a major headache as it seemingly destroys everything in sight.

If you over-apply magnesium chloride, you won’t necessarily see the same damage. Driveways, lawns, and vehicles will be far more intact and potentially not negatively affected whatsoever.